The shareholders of Aspocomp Group Plc are invited to attend the Annual General
Meeting of Shareholders to be held on Monday, April 10, 2006 at 12 p.m. at Palace
Gourmet’s conference hall, address: Eteläranta 10, 10th floor, Helsinki. The
check-in for the meeting will start at 11 a.m.

At the General Meeting of Shareholders the following matters will be addressed
according to the Section 15 of the Articles of Association:



The Board of Directors has decided to propose to the Annual General Meeting of
Shareholders that no dividend shall be distributed for the year 2005.



Based on the preparation of the Nomination Committee, the Board of Directors
proposes to the General Meeting of Shareholders that the remunerations of the
members of the Board of Directors will remain the same as in 2005, i.e. an annual
remuneration of 35,000 euro would be paid to the chairman of the Board of
Directors, 25,000 euro to the deputy chairman of the Board of Directors, and
15,000 euro to the members of the Board of Directors. 1,500 euro per meeting
would be paid to the chairman of the Board of Directors, and 1,000 euro per
meeting would be paid to the deputy chairman and other members of the Board of
Directors. Regarding committee meetings, 500 euro would be paid per meeting. In
addition to the above mentioned remunerations, a member of the Board of Directors
residing abroad would receive 1,500 euro per meeting and the travel and
accommodation expenses arising from the meeting.

In addition, the Board of Directors proposes that the fee to the auditor elected
by the General Meeting of Shareholders would be paid according to the invoice.


Pursuant to Article 6 of the Articles of Association, the term of office of all
members of the Board of Directors expires at the Annual General Meeting of
Shareholders. Based on the preparation of the Nomination Committee, the Board of
Directors proposes to the General Meeting of Shareholders that the Board of
Directors consists of six members and that the present members of the Board of
Directors, Messrs. Aimo Eloholma, Gustav Nyberg, Roberto Lencioni, Tuomo
Lähdesmäki, and Anssi Soila, would be re-elected and that Mr. Yosiko Sasaki,
citizen of Japan, would be elected as a new member. All the above have given
their consent to the role.


Shareholders elect the auditor at the General Meeting of Shareholders for one
year at a time. The Board of Directors proposes the re-election of
PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy for the company’s auditor for the financial year 2006
in accordance to their consent.


The Board of Directors proposes to the General Meeting of Shareholders that the
General Meeting of Shareholders would authorize the Board of Directors to decide
on increasing the share capital through one or several new subscriptions and/or
to take up one or several convertible loans and/or issuing option rights once or
several times, so that in the new issue and in the subscription of shares by
virtue of convertible loans and/or option rights the share capital may be
increased by an aggregate maximum amount of EUR 4,016,410 and the aggregate
maximum amount of votes attached to the new shares to be given is 4,016,410.

The authorization includes a right to deviate by means of a directed issue from
the shareholders’ pre-emptive subscription right to new shares, convertible loans
and/or option rights, provided that there is a weighty financial reason from the
company’s point of view for such a deviation. It also includes a right to decide
on the subscription of new shares so that the shares, convertible loans or option
rights may be subscribed against apport en nature or by using the right of set-
off or by otherwise on special terms and conditions. The Board of Directors may
use its authorization when required for facilitating corporate acquisitions and
developing company’s other business activities, for financing investments, for
consolidating the capital structure, for hedging the ancillary costs resulting
from options and for building up the payroll system and incentive scheme of the
company. The Board of Directors may not deviate from the shareholders’ pre-
emptive subscription right in favor of anyone belonging to the inner circle of
the company.

The authorization includes a right to decide on the parties entitled to
subscription, the subscription price and criteria for the price, the terms and
conditions for the subscription of new shares, and the terms and conditions of
convertible loans and/or option rights.

The authorization is in force for one year from the date of the decision of the
General Meeting of Shareholders.


The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
authorize the Board of Directors to decide on conveyance of a maximum of 200,000
own shares with book-counter value of EUR 1.00.

The Board of Directors is authorized to decide on to whom, under which
conditions, and what number of own shares shall be conveyed. The Board of
Directors decides on the conveyance price and other conditions related to
conveyance, and the shares may be conveyed against other consideration than cash
consideration. The authorization includes a right to convey shares in other
relation than that where a shareholder has the pre-emptive right to acquire the
company’s own shares, provided that such deviation is based on weighty financial
reasons from the company’s point of view.

The shares may be conveyed with a value decided by the Board of Directors and
they may be conveyed against other than cash consideration. The shares may be
conveyed in ways and scope decided by the Board of Directors to finance and
facilitate corporate acquisitions or other arrangements, or to key personnel
incentives (who may include the CEO and the Deputy CEO who belong to the inner
circle of the company), or they may be sold in public trading.

The authorization is in force for one year from the date of the decision of the
General Meeting of Shareholders.


The Board of Directors proposes that the General Meeting of Shareholders decides
to issue stock options to the key personnel of the Aspocomp Group as well as to a
wholly owned subsidiary of Aspocomp Group Plc.

It is proposed that the shareholders’ pre-emptive subscription rights be deviated
from since the stock options are intended to form a part of the incentive and
commitment program for the key personnel. The maximum total number of stock
options issued shall be 930,000. Of the stock options, 310,000 shall be marked
with the symbol 2006A, 310,000 shall be marked with the symbol 2006B and 310,000
shall be marked with the symbol 2006C. The stock options shall be gratuitously
distributed. Each stock option entitles its owner to subscribe for one share in
the company. The book-counter value of each share is EUR 1.00. A subsidiary
cannot subscribe for shares by virtue of stock options.

The share subscription price for stock option 2006A shall be the trade volume
weighted average quotation of the Aspocomp Group Plc share on the Helsinki Stock
Exchange during 1 April-30 April 2006, for stock option 2006B the trade volume
weighted average quotation of the Aspocomp Group Plc share on the Helsinki Stock
Exchange during 1 April-30 April 2007, and for stock option 2006C the trade
volume weighted average quotation of the Aspocomp Group Plc share on the Helsinki
Stock Exchange during 1 April-30 April 2008. If the dividend ex date is in April,
the dividend shall be added to the above-mentioned average quotations of the
trading days that occur after the dividend ex date. From the share subscription
price of stock options shall, as per the dividend record date, be deducted the
amount of the dividend decided after the beginning of the period for
determination of the subscription price but before share subscription. The share
subscription price shall, nevertheless, always amount to at least the book
equivalent value of the share.

The share subscription period shall be for stock options 2006A, 1 May 2008-31 May
2010, for stock options 2006B, 1 May 2009-31 May 2011, and for stock options
2006C, 1 May 2010-31 May 2012. The stock options 2006A, 2006B and 2006C include
some prerequisites based on the Group’s financial targets. The share subscription
period for these stock options cannot, however, commence unless certain criteria,
determined before the distribution of these stock options by the Board of
Directors, have been attained.

As a result of the share subscriptions with the 2006 stock options, the share
capital of Aspocomp Group Plc may increase by a maximum total of EUR 930,000 and
the number of shares by a maximum total of 930,000 new shares.

The Group key personnel are obliged to acquire the company’s shares with a
certain proportion of the income gained from the stock options, in the manner
decided by the Board of Directors in connection with the decision to distribute
stock options.


The Board of Directors proposes the “Article 8 Minutes” of the Articles of
Association to be amended so that the minutes shall be signed in accordance with
the Finnish Companies Act. Therefore the second sentence from that article shall
be removed. The amended article would read as follows:

“Article 8 Minutes

Minutes shall be kept of meetings of the Board, in which those participating in
the meeting and the decisions made shall be recorded.”


As required by the Finnish Companies Act, the annual accounts, the proposals of
the Board of Directors mentioned above in sections 7-10 together with their
appendices, as well as other documents related hereto will be held available at
the address Unioninkatu 18, 00130 Helsinki, Finland as of 3 April 2006. The
documents are also available at the General Meeting of Shareholders. Copies of
these documents will be sent to the shareholders at request.


A shareholder is entitled to attend the General Meeting of Shareholders provided
that he/she is

– entered as a shareholder in the Shareholder Register of the Company, maintained
by the Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd., by no later than 31 March
2006, or if he/she is entitled thereto under Chapter 3a, Section 4, Subsection 2
of the Companies Act, and
– he/she has registered to the General Meeting of Shareholders by no later than
Wednesday 5 April 2006 at 4 p.m.


A shareholder who wishes to attend the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
must notify the Company of his/her intention to attend by no later than 5 April
2006 at 4 p.m.

– by post to: Aspocomp Group Plc, P.O. Box 331, 00131 Helsinki, Finland, or
– by telephone to: +358 9 7597 0735/Ms Nora Nyman, or
– by telefax to: +358 9 7597 0720, or
– by e-mail to:

The notification should state the name of the shareholder, a possible
representative and the contact information. Any Powers of Attorney are requested
to be submitted in connection with the registration or to be sent by post.
Notification by post or by email must arrive at the Company before the period of
notice expires.

Helsinki, 13 March 2006


Helsinki Stock Exchange
Major media



The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting of Aspocomp Group
Plc to be held on 10 April 2006 that a following decision on authorizing the
Board of Directors to decide on new subscription and/or taking up convertible
loans and/or issuing option rights shall be made:

The Board of Directors of the company shall be authorized to decide on increasing
the share capital through one or several new subscriptions and/or to take up one
or several convertible loans and/or issuing option rights once or several times,
so that in the new issue and in the subscription of shares by virtue of
convertible loans and/or option rights the share capital may be increased by an
aggregate maximum amount of EUR 4,016,410 and the aggregate maximum amount of
votes attached to the new shares to be given is 4,016,410 which corresponds to a
maximum of one-fifth of the registered share capital and the aggregate number of
votes attached to the shares at the time of the authorization decision of the
General Meeting and the decision of the Board of Directors to increase the share

The authorization includes a right to deviate by means of a directed issue from
the shareholders’ pre-emptive subscription right for new shares, convertible
loans and/or option rights in accordance to Chapter 4 Section 2 of the Finnish
Companies Act, provided that there is a weighty financial reason from the
company’s point of view for such a deviation, and a right to decide on the new
subscription of shares so, that the shares, convertible loans or option rights
may be subscribed against apport en nature or by using the right of set-off or by
otherwise on special terms and conditions. The Board of Directors may use its
authorization when required for facilitating corporate acquisitions and
developing company’s other business activities, for financing investments, for
consolidating the capital structure, for hedging the ancillary costs resulting
from options and for building up the payroll system and incentive scheme of the
company. The Board of Directors may not deviate from the shareholders’ pre-
emptive subscription right in favor of anyone belonging to the inner circle of
the company.

The authorization includes a right to decide on the parties entitled to
subscribe, the criteria for the subscription price and the subscription price,
terms and conditions for subscription of the new shares and the terms and
conditions of convertible loans and/or option rights. The subscription price may
not, however, be lower than the book-counter value of a share.

The authorization is in force for one year from the date of the Annual General
Meeting of Shareholders.

The statement of the company’s auditors on the reasons for the deviation of the
shareholders’ pre-emptive subscription right is attached to the proposal.

Helsinki, 13 March 2006

The Board of Directors

To the Annual General Meeting of Aspocomp Group Oyj

Pursuant to Chapter 4 Section 12 b Paragraph 1 and Section 4 a Paragraph 2 in the
Companies’ Act we state as auditors of Aspocomp Group Oyj with respect to the
proposal of 13 March 2006 by the Board of Directors to issue new shares and/or
convertible bonds and/or to grant option rights that in our opinion the proposal
of the Board of Directors of 13 March 2006 gives a true and fair view of the
grounds, on the basis of which the subscription price will be determined, and of
the reasons for deviating from the pre-emptive subscription right.

Helsinki, 13 March 2006

PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy
Authorized Public Accountants

Jouko Malinen
Authorized Public Accountant



The Board of Directors proposes, that the General Meeting of Shareholders
authorizes the Board of Directors to decide on the conveyance of own shares of
the company in one or several lots so, that the target of the authorization is
the aggregate maximum of 200,000 own shares with a book-counter value of 1 euro.
The amount of shares covered by the authorization is approximately 1.0 % of the
company’s share capital and all votes.

The Board of Directors is authorized to decide on to whom, on what conditions and
which number of own shares shall be conveyed.

The Board of Directors may decide on conveyance of own shares in other relation
as in which a share-holder has the pre-emptive right to acquire the company’s own
shares, if there is a weighty financial reason from the company’s point of view.
The Board of Directors considers that the purposes of use mentioned in the
authorization may constitute this kind of reason.

The shares may be conveyed with a value decided by the Board of Directors and
they may be conveyed against other consideration than cash consideration. The
shares may be conveyed in ways and scope decided by the Board of Directors to
finance and facilitate corporate acquisitions, for the key personnel (which may
include the Managing Director and the Deputy Managing Director, which belong to
the inner circle of the company) in incentive purposes or may be sold in public

The Board of Directors decides on other conditions of the conveyance of own

The authorization is in force one year from the date of the General Meeting of

Helsinki, 13 March 2006

The Board of Directors

Appendix: The auditor’s statement

To the shareholders of Aspocomp Group Oyj

The Board of Directors of Aspocomp Group Oyj has made a proposal to the Annual
General Meeting to be held on 10 April 2006 for authorizing the Board of
Directors to convey the company’s own shares in accordance with the terms in the
Pursuant to Chapter 7 Section 1 Paragraph 1 in the Companies’ Act we state as
auditors of Aspocomp Group Oyj that the proposal of 13 March 2006 by the Board of
Directors is drawn up in accordance with the Companies’ Act including the reasons
for the conveyance and the grounds on the basis of which the conveyance price
will be determined.

Helsinki, 13 March 2006

PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy
Authorized Public Accountants

Jouko Malinen
Authorized Public Accountant



The Board of Directors of the company proposes to the Annual General Meeting of
Shareholders of Aspocomp Group Plc to be held on 10 April 2006 that the General
Meeting of Shareholders would decide to issue stock options to the key personnel
of the Group, as well as to a wholly owned subsidiary of Aspocomp Group Plc, on
the terms and conditions attached hereto.

The stock options shall, in deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emptive
subscription rights, be offered to the key personnel of the Group, as well as to
a wholly owned subsidiary of the company. It is proposed that the shareholders’
pre-emptive subscription rights be deviated from since the stock options are
intended to form a part of the incentive and commitment program for the key
personnel. The purpose of the stock options is to encourage the key personnel to
work on a long-term basis to increase shareholder value. The purpose of the stock
options is also to commit the key personnel to the company.

The maximum total number of stock options issued shall be 930,000. Of the stock
options, 310,000 shall be marked with the symbol 2006A, 310,000 shall be marked
with the symbol 2006B and 310,000 shall be marked with the symbol 2006C. The
stock options shall be gratuitously distributed, by the resolution of the Board
of Directors, to the key personnel employed by or to be recruited by the Group.
Upon issue, those stock options that are not distributed to the key personnel
shall be granted to Aspocomp Oy, a wholly owned subsidiary of Aspocomp Group Plc.
Each stock option entitles its owner to subscribe for one share in the company.
The book equivalent value of each share is EUR 1.00. The subsidiary cannot
subscribe for shares by virtue of stock options.

The share subscription price for stock option 2006A shall be the trade volume
weighted average quotation of the Aspocomp Group Plc share on the Helsinki Stock
Exchange during 1 April-30 April 2006, for stock option 2006B the trade volume
weighted average quotation of the Aspocomp Group Plc share on the Helsinki Stock
Exchange during 1 April-30 April 2007, and for stock option 2006C the trade
volume weighted average quotation of the Aspocomp Group Plc share on the Helsinki
Stock Exchange during 1 April-30 April 2008. If the dividend ex date is in April,
such dividend shall be added to the above-mentioned average quotations of the
trading days that are after the dividend ex date. From the share subscription
price of stock options shall, as per the dividend record date, be deducted the
amount of the dividend decided after the beginning of the period for
determination of the subscription price but before share subscription. The share
subscription price shall, nevertheless, always amount to at least the book
equivalent value of the share.

The share subscription period shall be, for stock options 2006A, 1 May 2008-31
May 2010, for stock options 2006B, 1 May 2009-31 May 2011 and for stock options
2006C, 1 May 2010-31 May 2012. Some prerequisites based on the Group’s financial
targets are included in the stock options 2006A, 2006B and 2006C. The share
subscription period for these stock options cannot, however, commence, unless
certain criteria, determined before the distribution of these stock options by
the Board of Directors, have been attained.

As a result of the share subscriptions with the 2006 stock options, the share
capital of Aspocomp Group Plc may be increased by a maximum total of EUR 930,000
and the number of shares by a maximum total of 930,000 new shares.

Stock options can also be distributed to the key personnel of the Group who, now
or in the future, belong to the inner circle of the company. The maximum total
share ownership of these people is 59.97% of the company’s shares and voting
rights of the shares at the moment.

The maximum total share ownership of the people belonging to the inner circle of
the company can amount to 61.74% of the company’s shares and voting rights of the
shares, on the basis of the stock options now issued, provided that the people
belonging to the inner circle of the company would be allocated all stock options
and they would subscribe for shares with all of their stock options.

The stock options now issued can be exchanged for shares constituting a maximum
total of 4.43% of the company’s shares and voting rights of the shares after the
potential share capital increase.

The Group key personnel are obliged to acquire the company’s shares with a
proportion of the income gained from the stock options, in the manner decided by
the Board of Directors in connection with the decision to distribute stock

Helsinki, 13 March 2006

The Board of Directors

Appendices: Terms and conditions of the stock options 2006
The auditors’ statement

To the Annual General Meeting of Aspocomp Group Oyj

Pursuant to Chapter 4 Section 12 b Paragraph 1 and Section 4 a Paragraph 2 in the
Companies’ Act we state as auditors of Aspocomp Group Oyj with respect to the
proposal of 13 March 2006 by the Board of Directors to grant option rights that
in our opinion the proposal of the Board of Directors of 13 March 2006 gives a
true and fair view of the grounds, on the basis of which the subscription price
will be determined, and of the reasons for deviating from the pre-emptive
subscription right.

Helsinki, 13 March 2006

PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy
Authorized Public Accountants

Jouko Malinen
Authorized Public Accountant



The Board of Directors of Aspocomp Group Plc (Board of Directors) has in its
meeting on 13 March 2006 resolved to propose to the Annual General Meeting of
Shareholders of Aspocomp Group Plc (Company) to be held on 10 April 2006 that
stock options be issued to the key personnel of the Company and its subsidiaries
(Group) and to a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company on the following terms
and conditions:


1. Number of Stock Options

The maximum total number of stock options issued shall be 930,000, and they
entitle their owners to subscribe for a maximum total of 930,000 shares in the
Company (share).

2. Stock Options

Of the stock options, 310,000 shall be marked with the symbol 2006A, 310,000
shall be marked with the symbol 2006B and 310,000 shall be marked with the symbol

The people, to whom stock options are issued, shall be notified in writing by the
Board of Directors about the offer of stock options. The stock options shall be
delivered to the recipient when he or she has accepted the offer of the Board of
Directors. Stock option certificates shall, upon request, be delivered to the
stock option owner at the start of the relevant share subscription period, unless
the stock options have been transferred to the book-entry securities system.

3. Right to Stock Options

The stock options shall, in deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emptive
subscription rights, be gratuitously issued to the key personnel of the Group and
to Aspocomp Oy (Subsidiary), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. The
shareholders’ pre-emptive subscription rights are proposed to be deviated from
since the stock options are intended to form part of the Group’s incentive and
commitment program for the key personnel.

4. Distribution of Stock Options

The Board of Directors shall decide upon the distribution of the stock options.
The Subsidiary shall be granted stock options to the extent that the stock
options are not distributed to the key personnel of the Group.

The Board of Directors shall later decide upon the further distribution of the
stock options granted or returned later to the Subsidiary, to the key personnel
employed by or to be recruited by the Group.

Upon issue, all stock options 2006B and 2006C and those stock options 2006A that
are not distributed to the key personnel, shall be granted to the Subsidiary. The
Subsidiary can distribute stock options 2006 to the key personnel employed by or
to be recruited by the Group by the resolution of the Board of Directors.

5. Transfer of Stock Options and Obligation to offer Stock Options

The stock options are freely transferable, when the relevant share subscription
period has begun. The Board of Directors may, however, permit the transfer of a
stock option also before such date. The Company shall hold the stock options on
behalf of the stock option owner until the beginning of the share subscription
period. The stock option owner has the right to acquire possession of the stock
options when the relevant share subscription period begins. Should the stock
option owner transfer his/her stock options, he/she is obliged to inform the
Company about the transfer in writing, without delay.

Should a stock option owner cease to be employed by or in the service of the
Group, for any reason than the death or retirement of the stock option owner,
such person shall, without delay, offer to the Company or its order, free of
charge, the stock options for which the share subscription period specified in
Section II.2 has not begun, on the last day of such person’s employment or
service. The Board of Directors can, however, in the above-mentioned cases,
decide that the stock option owner is entitled to keep such stock options, or a
part of them, which are under the offering obligation.

Regardless of whether the stock option owner has offered his/her stock options to
the Company or its order or not, the Company is entitled to inform the stock
option owner in writing that the stock option owner has lost his/her stock
options on the basis of the above-mentioned reasons. Should the stock options be
transferred to the book-entry securities system, the Company has the right,
whether or not the stock options have been offered to the Company or its order,
to request and get transferred all the stock options under the offering
obligation from the stock option owner’s book-entry account to the book-entry
account appointed by the Company, without the consent of the stock option owner.
In addition, the Company is entitled to register transfer restrictions and other
respective restrictions concerning the stock options to the stock option owner’s
book-entry account, without the consent of the stock option owner.


1. Right to subscribe for new Shares

Each stock option entitles its owner to subscribe for one (1) share. The book
equivalent value of each share is EUR 1.00. As a result of the share
subscriptions, the share capital of the Company may be increased by a maximum
total of EUR 930,000 and the number of shares by a maximum total of 930,000 new

The Subsidiary shall not be entitled to subscribe for shares on the basis of the
stock options.

2. Share Subscription and Payment

The share subscription period shall be

– for stock option 2006A 1 May 2008-31 May 2010
– for stock option 2006B 1 May 2009-31 May 2011
– for stock option 2006C 1 May 2010-31 May 2012.

The share subscription period for stock options 2006A, 2006B and 2006C shall,
however, not commence, unless certain performance criteria, determined before the
distribution of these stock options by the Board of Directors and based on the
financial targets of the Group, have been attained.

Share subscriptions shall take place at the head office of the Company or
possibly at another location to be determined later. The subscriber shall
transfer the respective stock option certificates with which he/she subscribes
for shares, or, in the case of the stock options having been transferred to the
book-entry securities system, the stock options with which shares have been
subscribed for shall be deleted from the subscriber’s book-entry account. Upon
subscription, payment for the shares subscribed for, shall be made to the bank
account appointed by the Company. The Board of Directors shall decide on all
measures concerning the share subscription.

3. Share Subscription Price

The share subscription price shall be:

– for stock option 2006A, the trade volume weighted average quotation of the
share on the Helsinki Stock Exchange during 1 April-30 April 2006
– for stock option 2006B, the trade volume weighted average quotation of the
share on the Helsinki Stock Exchange during 1 April-30 April 2007
– for stock option 2006C, the trade volume weighted average quotation of the
share on the Helsinki Stock Exchange during 1 April-30 April 2008.

If the dividend ex date is in April, such dividend shall be added to the above-
mentioned average quotations of the trading days that are after the dividend ex

From the share subscription price of the stock options shall, as per the dividend
record date, be deducted the amount of the dividend decided after the beginning
of the period for determination of the share subscription price but before share
subscription. The share subscription price shall, nevertheless, always amount to
at least the book equivalent value of the share.

4. Registration of Shares

Shares subscribed for and fully paid shall be registered in the book-entry
account of the subscriber.

5. Shareholder Rights

The dividend rights of the shares and other shareholder rights shall commence
when the increase of the share capital has been entered into the Trade Register.

6. Share Issues, Convertible Bonds and Stock Options before Share Subscription

Should the Company, before the share subscription, increase its share capital
through an issue of new shares, or an issue of new convertible bonds or stock
options, a stock option owner shall have the same right as, or an equal right to,
that of a shareholder. Equality is reached in the manner determined by the Board
of Directors by adjusting the number of shares available for subscription, the
share subscription price or both of these.

Should the Company, before the share subscription, increase its share capital by
way of a bonus issue, the subscription ratio shall be amended so that the ratio
to the share capital of shares to be subscribed for by virtue of the stock
options remains unchanged. If the number of shares that can be subscribed for by
virtue of one stock option is a fraction, the fractional part shall be taken into
account by reducing the share subscription price.

7. Rights in Certain Cases

If the Company reduces its share capital before the share subscription, the
subscription right accorded by the terms and conditions of the stock options
shall be adjusted accordingly, as specified in the resolution to reduce the share

If the Company is placed in liquidation before the share subscription, the stock
option owner shall be given an opportunity to exercise his/her subscription right
before the liquidation begins, within a period of time determined by the Board of

If the Company resolves to merge into another company as the company being
acquired or into a company to be formed in a combination merger, or if the
Company resolves to be divided, the stock option owners shall, before the merger
or division, be given the right to subscribe for the shares with their stock
options, within a period of time determined by the Board of Directors. After such
period, no subscription right shall exist. In the above situations, the stock
option owners shall have no right to require that the Company redeem the stock
options from them at their market value.

If the Company, after the beginning of the share subscription period, resolves to
acquire its own shares by an offer made to all shareholders, the stock option
owners shall be made an equivalent offer. In other cases, acquisition of the
Company’s own shares shall not require the Company to take any action in relation
to the stock options.

If, a redemption right and obligation to all of the Company’s shares, as referred
to in Chapter 14 Section 19 of the Finnish Companies Act, arises to any of the
shareholders, before the end of the share subscription period, on the basis that
a shareholder possesses over 90% of the shares and the votes of the shares of the
Company, or if a situation, as referred to in Chapter 6 Section 6 of the Finnish
Securities Market Act, or a situation, as referred to in Section 16 in the
Articles of Association of the Company, arises to any of the shareholders, the
stock option owners shall be given a possibility to use their right of
subscription by virtue of the stock options, within a period of time determined
by the Board of Directors, or they shall be given an equal possibility to that of
shareholders to sell their stock options to the redeemer, irrespective of the
transfer restriction defined in Section I.5 above. A shareholder who possesses
over 90% of the shares and votes of the shares of the Company has the right to
purchase the stock option owner’s stock options at their market value.

If the number of the Company’s shares is changed, while the share capital remains
unchanged, the share subscription terms and conditions shall be amended so that
the relative proportion of shares available for subscription with the stock
options to the total number of the Company’s shares, as well as the share
subscription price total, remain the same.

Converting the Company from a public company into a private company shall not
affect the terms and conditions of the stock options.


The laws of Finland shall be applied to these terms and conditions. Disputes
arising in relation to the stock options shall be settled by arbitration in
accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Central Chamber of Commerce.

The Board of Directors may decide on the transfer of the stock options to the
book-entry securities system at a later date and on the resulting technical
amendments to these terms and conditions, including those amendments and
specifications to the terms and conditions which are not considered essential.
Other matters related to the stock options shall be decided on by the Board of
Directors. The stock option documentation shall be kept available for inspection
at the head office of the Company.

The Company shall be entitled to withdraw the stock options which have not been
transferred, or with which shares have not been subscribed for, free of charge,
if the stock option owner acts against these terms and conditions, or against the
regulations given by the Company on the basis of these terms and conditions, or
against applicable law, or against the regulations of the authorities.

These terms and conditions have been made in Finnish and in English. In the case
of any discrepancy between the Finnish and English terms and conditions, the
Finnish terms and conditions shall decide.



The Board of Directors of Aspocomp Group Plc proposes the following to the Annual
General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on 10 April 2006:

“Article 8 Minutes” of the Articles of Association to be amended so, that the
minutes shall be signed in accordance with the Finnish Companies Act and
therefore the second sentence from that article shall be removed. The amended
article would read as follows:

“Article 8 Minutes

Minutes shall be kept of meetings of the Board, in which those participating in
the meeting and the decisions made shall be recorded.”

The new Articles of Association is attached to the proposal.

Helsinki, 13 March 2006

The Board of Directors



I Trade Name, Domicile and Line of Business of the Company

Art. 1
The trade name of the company shall be Aspocomp Group Plc. The trade name of the
company in the English language shall be Aspocomp Group Plc. The company shall be
domiciled in Helsinki.

Art. 2
The purpose of the company shall be, to itself or through its subsidiaries,
manufacture, trade, export, import and design components for the electrical and
electronic industries. The company shall centrally provide for matters in
relation to the administration, financing and strategic planning of its group
companies, as well as plan the group’s investments.

II Share Capital and Shares

Art. 3
The minimum share capital of the company shall be EUR 8,729,178 and its maximum
share capital shall be EUR 34,916,712, within which limits the share capital may
be increased or decreased without amending the articles of association.

Art. 4
The minimum number of shares shall be 8,729,178 and the maximum number of shares

Art. 5
The shares of the company shall belong to a book-entry securities system.

The right to receive distributed funds from the company and the right to
subscribe when the share capital is increased shall be enjoyed only by those,

1. who have been entered as shareholders in the shareholders’ register;
2. whose right to receive a remittance has, on the record date, been entered in a
book-entry security account of a shareholder entered in the shareholders’
register and has been entered in the shareholders’ register; or
3. where a share has been subject to administrative registration, in whose book-
entry securities account a share has been entered on the record date, and the
custodian of whose shares has, on the record date, been entered in the
shareholders’ register as the custodian of the shares.

III Administration of the Company

The Board

Art. 6
The Board shall consist of no fewer than four (4) and no more than eight (8)
members. Among its members, the Board shall elect the Chairman and the Vice-
chairman. The term of office of the members of the Board shall expire at the end
of the ordinary general meeting of the company which follows the election.

Art. 7
The Board shall form a quorum when more than half of its members are in
attendance and one of these is the Chairman or the Vice-chairman.


Art. 8
Minutes shall be kept of meetings of the Board, in which those participating in
the meeting and the decisions made shall be recorded.

Right to Sign in the Name of the Company

Art. 9
The right to sign in the name of the company shall be vested in the members of
the Board, any two of them signing together or any one of them signing together
with some person authorized to sign in the name of the company, or by the
Managing Director signing together with a member of the Board or with some other
person authorized to sign in the name of the company. The Board may assign the
right to sign in the name of the company to other named persons such that they
sign in the name of the company, any two of them signing together or each of them
signing together with a member of the Board or with the Managing Director.

IV Financial Statement and Auditors

Art. 10
The financial period of the company shall be the calendar year.

Art. 11
The company meeting shall elect one auditor to inspect the administration and
accounts of the company. The said auditor shall be an auditing corporation
approved by the Central Chamber of Commerce of Finland. The term of office of the
auditor shall be the financial period.

V Shareholder’s Meeting

Art. 12
The general meeting shall be held in Helsinki, Vantaa or Espoo. In order to
exercise his right to speak and vote at a company meeting, a shareholder must
register in the manner specified in the invitation to the meeting. The closing
date for registration shall be no sooner than ten days before the meeting.

Art. 13
The invitation to a company meeting shall be delivered by means of a notice in a
newspaper, which shall be published in a newspaper determined by the Board no
sooner than two months and no later than one week before the closing date for
registration referred to in Art. 12.

Art. 14
The company meeting shall be opened by the Chairman or Vice-chairman of the Board
or by the oldest member of the Board in attendance, after which the chairman of
the meeting shall be elected.

The minutes of the company meeting shall be recorded by a secretary summoned so
to do by the chairman. The minutes shall be signed by the chairman and by two
verifiers elected at the meeting for this purpose.

Art. 15
At an ordinary general meeting the following shall be:


1. a financial statement comprising the profit and loss account, the balance
sheet and the notes appended thereto, the report of operations and the
consolidated financial statements,
2. an audit report,


3. approval of the profit and loss account and balance sheet, as well as approval
of the consolidated income statement and balance sheet,
4. any measures warranted by the profit or loss shown in the approved balance
sheet and consolidated balance sheet,
5. discharge of the members of the Board and of the Managing Director from
liability for the accounts,
6. the fees payable to members of the Board and to the auditor,
7. the number of members of the Board,
8. other matters stated in the invitation to the meeting,


9. members of the Board replacing resigning members of the Boards and other
members of the Board,
10. the auditor.

VI Obligation to Redeem Shares in Various Voting Power Circumstances

Art. 16
Any shareholder holding, either individually or together with other shareholders
in the manner hereinafter specified, a proportion of the entire stock of the
company which attains or exceeds 33 1/3 per cent or 50 per cent (a redemption
obliged shareholder) shall be obliged, on the demand of other shareholders, to
redeem their shares and the securities entitling them according to the Companies
Act in the manner stipulated in this article. The stipulations of this article
concerning shares and securities shall apply correspondingly to book-entry

When calculating the proportion of company stock and the votes pertaining thereto
which are held by a shareholder, shares shall also be counted if they belong to:

1. a corporation which, pursuant to the Companies Act, belongs to the same group
of companies as the shareholder,
2. an enterprise which is counted as belonging to the same group of companies as
the shareholder when compiling a consolidated financial statement pursuant to the
Bookkeeping Act,
3. a pension foundation or pension fund of the corporations or enterprises
referred to above, or
4. any non-Finnish corporation or enterprise which, if it had been Finnish, would
have belonged in the foregoing manner to the same group of companies as the
If the redemption obligation arises on the basis of aggregated ownership, then
the redemption obliged shareholders shall be jointly and severally liable for
performing the redemption with respect to the shareholders who are entitled
thereto. In such circumstances the redemption demand shall, even without a
separate demand, be deemed to apply to all of the redemption obliged

If two shareholders attain or exceed the ownership limit which brings about the
redemption obligation so that both are simultaneously obliged to redeem shares,
then a shareholder who is entitled to redemption may demand redemption separately
from each of these.

The obligation to redeem shall not apply to shares or to securities entitling
them which the shareholder demanding redemption has acquired after the redemption
obligation arose.

Redemption Price

The redemption price shall be the higher of the following:

1. the average rate weighted by the trading rate of the share over the last ten
(10) trading days in public quotation before the day on which the company was
notified by a redemption obliged shareholder that it had attained or exceeded the
ownership limit referred to above or, in the absence of the said notification or
if it should fail to arrive within the limit, the day on which the Board of the
company otherwise learned of this;

2. the average price weighted by the number of shares, which a redemption obliged
shareholder has paid for the shares which it has acquired or otherwise obtained
over the last 12 months before the day referred to in subparagraph 1 above.

If some acquisition influencing the average price is valued in a foreign
currency, then its corresponding value in Euros shall be calculated using the
exchange rate verified by the European Central Bank for the currency in question
seven (7) days before the day on which the Board notifies the shareholders of the
opportunity to redeem shares.

The foregoing stipulations on determining the redemption price for shares shall
also be applied to securities which are otherwise submitted for redemption.

Redemption Procedure

Within seven (7) days of the day when the redemption obligation arises, a
redemption obliged shareholder shall notify the Board of the company thereof in
writing at the address of the company. The notice shall include details of the
number and prices of the shares acquired or otherwise obtained by the redemption
obliged shareholder over the last twelve (12) months. An address at which the
redemption obliged shareholder may be contacted shall be appended to the notice.

The Board shall advise the shareholders that an obligation to redeem has arisen
within 45 days of the time when it receives the foregoing notice or, in the
absence of the said notification or if it should fail to arrive, of when it has
otherwise learned that an obligation to redeem has arisen. The notice shall
include details of the time at which the obligation to redeem arose and of the
basis for determining the redemption price, insofar as these are known to the
Board, as well as the closing date for submission of redemption demands. The
notification of shareholders shall be governed by the stipulations of Art. 18 of
the articles of association concerning delivery of invitations to meetings.

A shareholder who is entitled to redemption shall demand redemption in writing
within 30 days of publication of the notification by the Board concerning the
redemption obligation. A redemption demand submitted to the company shall state
the number of shares and other securities to which the demand applies. A
shareholder demanding redemption shall at the same time submit to the company,
for transfer to the redemption obliged shareholder in return for the redemption
price, all possible share certificates and other documents entitling receipt of

If a demand has not been submitted in the aforesaid manner within the time limit,
then the right of the shareholder to demand redemption shall lapse in respect of
the redemption opportunity in question. A shareholder entitled to redemption
shall have the right to withdraw his demand as long as no redemption has

On the expiration of the time limit reserved for shareholders entitled to
redemption, the Board shall advise the redemption obliged shareholder of the
redemption demands which have been submitted. Within 14 days of receiving advice
of the redemption demands, the redemption obliged shareholder shall remit the
redemption price in the manner stipulated by the company in return for the
transfer of shares and of securities them or, if the shares to be redeemed have
been entered in a book-entry securities account of the concerned shareholders, in
return for a receipt issued by the company. In this case the company shall ensure
that the redeemer is entered immediately in the book-entry securities account as
the owner of the redeemed shares.

Delay penalty interest on a redemption price which has not been remitted within
the time limit shall be calculated at a rate of 20 per cent per annum counted
from the day on or before which the redemption should have been performed. If a
redemption obliged shareholder has furthermore neglected to comply with the
foregoing stipulations concerning the obligation to notify, then the delay
penalty interest shall be calculated from the day on which the obligation to
notify should have been fulfilled at the latest.

Other Stipulations

The obligation to redeem referred to in this article shall not apply to a
shareholder who demonstrates that the ownership limit which brings about the
obligation to redeem was attained or exceeded before this stipulation of the
articles of association was registered at the Trade Register.

A decision of a company meeting to attend or delete the stipulations of this
article shall be valid only if it has been supported by shareholders who have no
less than three-quarters of the votes cast and of the shares represented at the

Disputes concerning the foregoing obligation to redeem, the associated right to
demand redemption and the size of the redemption price shall be settled by
arbitration in the district where the company is domiciled in compliance with the
provisions of the Arbitration Act (no. 967 of 1992). The arbitration procedure
shall be governed by the law of the Republic of Finland.