Yearly key figures

Yearly key indicators20242023202220212020
Net sales, M€27,632,339,133,225,6
Operating result before depreciation (EBITDA), M€-2,10,36,44,11,5
Operating profit/loss (EBIT), M€-4,0-1,74,52,2-0,1
  Share of net sales, %-14,4-5,411,56,8-0,5
Pre-tax profit from operations, M€-4,3-2,04,42,2-0,4
  Share of net sales, %-15,7-6,211,36,6-1,7
Net profit/loss for the period, M€-3,5-1,63,52,1-0,1
  Share of net sales, %-12,6-5,19,16,4-0,4
Net cash flow from operating activities, M€-4,75,13,62,33,7
Return on equity (ROE), %-20,4-8,717,311,6-0,6
Return on investment (ROI), %-14,4-6,015,19,30,8
Equity ratio, %54,071,769,460,863,6
Gearing, %37,33,47,68,716,6
Investments, M€0,42,72,51,32,0
  Share of net sales, %1,58,26,53,97,7
Order book at the end of period19,910,514,316,54,4
Personnel, year end165162156145138
Personnel, average160164145139140
Earnings/share (EPS), €-0,51-0,240,520,31-0,01
Dividend/share, €0,00*00,210,150,00
Price/earnings ratio (P/E)-6,24-16,0114,1719,49-392,00
*Proposal of the Board of Directors